Página 2 - English for Presentations Unit 1 Let

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Work with a partner. Ask the questions below and make a note of the answers.
Then tell the group what you found out and discuss.
Let’s get started
Listen to the opening sentences of the three presentations and complete the table.
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presenter’s name
Presenter’s position / function
Topic of presentation
Who is the presentation for?
Which presentations are formal and which less formal?
Howoften do you give
presentations in your job?
Who do you normally present to?
(Colleagues, customers, other
firms, etc.)
Whenwas the last time you gave a
presentation in English?
Was it a success? If yes, why?
If not, why not? Explain your
Howdo you feel about presenting in
a foreign language?
Think of an excellent (or terrible)
presentation that you have
attended. What made it good
(or bad)?